Pregnancy test

A pregnancy test is a medical device used to determine if a woman is pregnant by detecting the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine or blood. hCG is produced shortly after a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

What is it?

A pregnancy test measures the presence of the hormone hCG, which is produced during pregnancy. There are two main types of pregnancy tests: urine tests, which can be done at home or in a clinic, and blood tests, which are performed in a healthcare setting.

What happens during the procedure:

The process of taking a pregnancy test varies slightly depending on the type of test used:

Urine Test (Home Pregnancy Test):

  1. Preparation:
    • Read the instructions carefully before beginning.
    • Gather the test kit, a timer, and a clean container if you need to collect urine first.
  2. Collecting the Sample:
    • Either hold the test stick in your urine stream for a few seconds or collect urine in a cup and dip the test stick into the urine.
  3. Waiting for Results:
    • Place the test stick on a flat surface and wait for the specified amount of time (usually 1-5 minutes).
  4. Reading the Results:
    • Check the test window for the appearance of lines, symbols, or colors that indicate a positive or negative result as per the instructions.
  5. Interpreting the Results:
    • A positive result typically shows two lines, a plus sign, or a change in color, indicating pregnancy.
    • A negative result typically shows one line or a minus sign, indicating no pregnancy.

Blood Test (Clinical Pregnancy Test):

  1. Preparation:
    • Schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider.
  2. Sample Collection:
    • A blood sample is drawn from a vein in your arm.
  3. Laboratory Analysis:
    • The blood sample is sent to a lab to measure the level of hCG.
  4. Waiting for Results:
    • Results are usually available within a few hours to a few days.
  5. Interpreting the Results:
    • A positive result indicates pregnancy, while a negative result indicates no pregnancy.


  • Early Detection: Can detect pregnancy as early as the first day of a missed period or even before in some cases.
  • Convenience: Home urine tests are easy to use and provide quick results.
  • Accuracy: When used correctly, pregnancy tests are highly accurate in detecting hCG levels.
  • Reassurance: Provides reassurance and helps in early decision-making regarding pregnancy care.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Timing: For best results, take the test in the morning when hCG levels are highest in the urine.
  • Instructions: Follow the test instructions carefully to ensure accuracy.
  • False Results: False negatives can occur if the test is taken too early, while false positives are rare but possible.
  • Retesting: If the result is negative but you suspect you are pregnant, retest a few days later or consult a healthcare provider.
  • Medications: Certain medications and medical conditions can affect test results.


  • Blood Test (Quantitative hCG Test): Measures the exact amount of hCG in the blood, providing more detailed information about the pregnancy.
  • Ultrasound: An imaging test that can confirm pregnancy and check the development of the fetus, usually performed a few weeks into the pregnancy.